Career Growth at Persolvent

This post is an overview of our perspective as a small company when it comes to growth and promotion.

To start, we support continuous learning and improvement within each role and encourage each team member to demonstrate leadership in projects and process improvement.

As we are a small company, promotions and growth opportunities become available first and foremost to business need. We can’t always predict when those opportunities will arise, but when they do, we love to promote team members who show aptitude and are passionate about helping meet that business need. We strive to promote internally with the goal of doing what is best for our company, our mission, and our team.

Due to the challenge of predicting opportunities, we don’t promise growth within specific timelines. For their own satisfaction, we encourage applicants to reflect on whether they are excited about the specific role they are applying for, rather than just seeing it as a way to “get their foot in the door” or a stepping stone to alternate positions within Persolvent.

Here are some quotes from a helpful article on the benefits of working at large or small companies:

“In a small company, people are often recognized for capability more quickly and usually have broader areas of responsibility… [these] companies can be great for career growth in a number of ways. There is often more leeway and flexibility around opportunities for project work and role advancement, and you gain exposure to senior leaders and multiple aspects of the business. However, there can be limited roles to grow into, especially if there is little turnover and people above you are staying in their roles for longer periods of time. “

“…self-reflection should impact your decision [to join a small company] as well. It’s like selecting what college to attend—did a large state university appeal to you or a small liberal arts college? A big part of this is knowing yourself and in what kind of environment and culture you thrive and succeed. Maybe a workforce of thousands sounds appealing to you, and maybe it doesn’t. Maybe you like the idea of wearing many hats at a small company, and maybe you don’t. Different people require different workplace qualities to thrive.

“Regardless of organization size, focus on the hard and soft skills you bring to the table; if you are a significant contributor with a focus on mission-critical tasks, a positive attitude, and the willingness to learn and support others, you can find career growth in all types of companies.”

We recognize our company size and process is not for everyone and a goal of this post is to give you initial answers to questions you may have about working at a small company and growth at Persolvent. We hope this helps you assess if our company size would work for you.



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