Passion and Purpose Coming Together

Passion in the Workplace

According to Forbes, “People will spend their careers jumping from job to job, simply trying to find a place that aligns with their passion.” At Persolvent, we aim to have passionate team members. Passion is one of our six Core Values and a huge priority.

To ensure that our team members are truly passionate, and remaining passionate throughout their career, we follow a simple two-part process.

1. We assess passion when we are hiring a team member and ensure that their passion aligns with the job they are starting.

2. Once they are on board, each team member reviews that passion/role alignment with their supervisor each quarter.

We find passion in your role is an incredible indicator of a team member’s impact, engagement, and ongoing growth. So, to keep our finger on the pulse, we developed a Quarterly Passion Review, internally known as the “80/20” process.

What is the 80/20 Process?

Every quarter, team members complete their “80/20”, listing out their current tasks and time spent on each. Then they categorize each task as something they enjoy (in their “80”) or as something they’d prefer not to do (in their “20”).

Then they have a candid discussion with their Supervisor. If a team member has tasks in their “20”, they work with their supervisor to optimize, reframe, or reassign those tasks. The point of this exercise is to make sure team member’s plates are full of things in their “80”, not in their “20”. An open and honest conversation is essential for the process to ensure effective dialogue.

In an ideal world, we want team members to have 100% of their tasks fall into their “80” and we actually do have quite a few team members regularly who are working 100% on what they’re passionate about. Currently, our overall company passion score is 91%.

Benefits of a Passionate Team

A company’s most valuable asset is passionate team members. Soprana states that although it may be harder to hire and retain passionate people, their passion makes them invaluable. Passionate workers are more likely to stay with the company, are constantly improving their performance and going above the call of the duty.

“Passion and purpose strongly predict how much effort people put in for each hour they’re on the job, rather than the sheer number of hours they work. “

We know team members won’t always love everything they do, especially as they grow and develop, but the Quarterly Passion Review process allows supervisors to check-in and discuss each team member’s passion on an ongoing basis.

All to ensure passion stays alive at Persolvent.


Meet Zach: World Traveler and Rockstar


Meet Charlie: Lead, Software Support