Meet AJ: Optimistic Observer

Team Member Interview

Name: AJ Kurkowski

Role: Implementation Manager, Eleyo

Time spent at Persolvent: Almost two years

What do you do at Persolvent? What would I come to you for?

I am an Implementation Manager for our Eleyo Implementation team. I started as an Implementation Specialist and then jumped on an opportunity for a managerial position and also joined our LCA (Lead, Coach, Accountability) committee. I work directly with new customers in addition to overseeing the team. We help new customers and school districts with their onboarding experience of Eleyo. Each new customer has unique processes and needs, and our team is to here to make the experience smooth and seamless.

What do you enjoy about Leadership at Persolvent?

Our leadership team is consistently respectful and available. We are treated like people, actual team members, not just employees or a number.  We share personal and business positives at the start of every meeting which helps us get to know each other more authentically. The level of communication and candor is greatly appreciated.

How do you stay engaged with your team?

We have daily check-ins where we discuss professional tasks and questions along with a fun “question of the day”. For example - What’s your favorite candy at the movie theater? Mine is Mike and Ike’s. We also use Slack throughout the day to keep in touch on all topics, personal or professional.

What’s a professional skill you’re currently working on?

I’m currently learning more about the theory behind adult learning. I’ve come to understand that I’m more passionate about how we learn than what we learn. I’ve always been interested in learning the best way to do something and then sharing that with others. I feel fortunate to have a job where I can do that. There’s a lot of materials available for adult learning theory. However, I do keep referencing the book Telling Ain’t Training by Erica J. Keeps and Harold Stolovitc. Our team also has an initiative of using Kahoot (gamification tool) to quiz ourselves and customers.

What’s your favorite thing about your job?

I love observing things grow. Whether that’s a team member’s idea coming to fruition or a customer mastering the Eleyo software. I love watching the software continually evolve, always trying to make our customers' lives easier. I believe a growth mindset is not only a way of thinking but a way of living.

Are you a dog or cat person?

Both. We didn’t have a lot of pets growing up, but eventually, we got a dog, so then I considered myself a dog person. However, my wife is a cat person, so I’ve found a spot in my heart for cats. And now, if I had to lean one way or the other, I’d say I’m more of a cat person. They seem to be easier to take care of and they’re cute!

Are you currently binge-watching any shows?

I am currently working through Star Trek: The Next Generation on Netflix. I enjoy the themes and often find them applicable. Debatably, I think the cinematography is pretty cool.

What are three words friends or family would use to describe you?

Two that I would hope for would be 1) Analytical - I like to deep dive into things and understand problems 2) Optimistic - I always try to be hopeful and see how things could be more enjoyable. My third word is a little sarcastic but true – Tall. I am 6’6 and most of my interactions with people consist of discussing my height. I find tallness to be an emotional characteristic, as well as physical.

Do you collect anything?

Yes, I collect aquarium plants. I have over 40 species. They are all unique and grow in different ways, but they’re easier than regular plants. You don’t need to water them and they’re typically slower growing. I’ve recently been dabbling into Wabi Kusa. Put simply, this is the process of growing aquarium plants out of water.

If you were stuck on an island with one food of your choice, what would it be?

Ideally, a Jimmy Johns #8 with extra mayo. I could eat this every day for lunch, no problem. If I had to limit it to just one specific food, it would be eggs. My favorite way to cook eggs is to brown butter with prosciutto meat and Penzey’s Mural of Flavor spice. Then I fry the eggs sunny-side up and break the yolk.


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